这是一份网上流传的 1.13 补丁内容, 因为暗黑系列补丁一直有非官方先放出的"习惯", 所以这份列表真实性还是比较可靠的, 显然这是一个提升游戏品质的补丁, 除了新的物品( 超过 10 件暗金, 口水)和词缀外, 还对角色技能特别是技能的显示效果进行了升级. 以下是这份文件的内容:
-After using weapon swap, there will now be a 1 second cooldown on all abilities and even regular melee attacks.
-You have to be in town for at least 10 seconds to go hostile on another player.
-Fixed numerous hacks that would cause games to crash or another clients game window to crash
-Magic Resistance has been added! It is now the average of all 3 Elemental Resists! (Excluding poison). It will only average the displayed resists, if
you go over the cap you will not be able to compensate for a different low resist this way.
-High-end Class-specific weapon runeword for each class has been added with 3 additional runewords on top of that
-Several Standards of heroes can now be cubed into a new item (Hint: This new item is a key!)
-New Hard nose stance vs. cheating and exploits!
-New and improved Rust storm! Now checks when you enter a game as well as when you exit. Load times have been increased by about 3-10 seconds
depending on connection, but this will prevent "perming" altogether
-Rust Storm also makes a check when you use your Horadric Cube! If you are trying to transmute materials or runes that are already exist on that
particular server you will be force exited and lose those items. Because of this Cube muting will take roughly 2-3 seconds (on a fast connection) to
-Over 10 new uniques!
-New Magic and Rare Prefixes and suffixes to offer a more varied experience in the late game!
Javelin and Spear -
Jab - Slight Damage increase per level
Passive and Magic -
All Dodge skill animations are completely cosmetic and no longer can dodge lock your character.
Bow and Crossbow -
Multiple Shot - Damage Reduction now only 15% down from 25%
Guided Arrow - Damage bonus slightly decreased, However it is now based on 5/4 Weapon damage (125%)
Strafe - Damage Reduction now only 15% down from 25%
Traps -
Wake of Fire - Damage increased by a large amount. Trap no longer stunlock players and enemies the way it previously had
Wake of Fire - Now has a slowing effect when it hits an enemy, slows by 20%
Wake of Fire - Bonus synergies added with shock web that increases slow %
Wake of Inferno - Damage greatly increased, Range of inferno greatly increased.
Wake of Inferno - Now has a slowing effect when it hits an enemy, slows by 20%
Wake of Inferno - Bonus synergies added with shock web that increases slow %
Shock Web - Now has a slowing effect if it hits an enemy or player that varies by level (Diminishing returns per level)
Martial Arts -
All charge skills have been given a varying slowing effect which should make these more viable to charge up in PvP and PvM vs. fast bosses. All charge
skills duration now doubled.
Combat Masteries -
Increased Stamina - Now also grants "Damaged Reduced by X" (not %)
Increased Speed - No longer has a soft cap (Now increases at +2.5%/level)
Natural Resistance - No longer has a soft cap (Now increases +3.5%/level)
Combat Skills -
Leap Attack - The animation is now much quicker
Frenzy - Duration increased to 9 seconds
Elemental -
Firestorm - Damage increased greatly in higher levels
Molten Boulder - Damage increased greatly in higher levels
Fissure - Moderate Damage increase
Volcano - Moderate Damage increase
Armageddon - Moderate Damage increase
Shapeshifting -
All Charge skills now have had their duration doubled. And also grant varying slowing effects.
Skeletal Mages - Life now increases per level and armor has a larger increase than previously
Revive - Skill reworked, There is no longer a duration for this skill. However the amount of Revives you can cast is now significantly decreased. Each
level now increases Damage/movement speed while every few levels will increase # of monsters
Poison and Bone:
Teeth - Damage increased by 20-100% (Much higher in later levels) to offset the new magic resistance
Poison Dagger - Now has a slowing effect that increases with level
Bone Spear - Damage increased by roughly 70-100% to offset the new magic resistance
Bone Spirit - Damage increased by roughly 70-100% to offset the new magic resistance
Defensive Auras -
Defiance - Now has a scaling chance to completely ignore any physical damage taken (soft cap with diminishing return)
Vigor - Added a synergy with prayer to add health regeneration
Salvation - Now has a scaling chance to completely ignore any Magical damage taken (soft cap with diminishing return). This should add some usefulness
to this ability that was lost with the addition of synergies to the lower level resist auras.
Combat -
Blessed Hammer - Damage has been reworked. Increased by approximately 30-50% depending on the skill level you are at to help with the new resists of
players and monsters.
Fist of Heavens - Reworked skill to be more useful vs. monsters. On top of the initial lightning damage, the skill will shoot off a weaker version of
chain lightning. Additionally fist of heavens now has additional synergies for the chain lightning part of the skill.
Cold Spells -
Glacial Spike - Projectile speed increased by roughly 30%
Chilling Armor - The ice bolt fired from this spell has an increased projectile speed that is increased by nearly threefold
Lightning Spells -
Nova - Now has a few weak synergies
Thunder Storm - Now has a few weak synergies
Fire Spells -
Hydra - Projectiles fired from this summon have had their speed increased roughly 50%
-Aura Stacking has been fixed
-Charge/WW Locking has been removed, these skills will shut off after 6 seconds if they have not reached target or been recast
-Various glitches with paladin auras have been fixed
-Fixed a glitch that would cause certain skills to stop working until quitting and joining another game
-Fixed a few other exploits
-Fixed the massive lag caused by dead summons, ears, and other trash animations
-Several Standards of heroes can now be cubed into a new item (Hint: This new item is a key!)