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you have a choice 91 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2011-06-14
You Have a Choice
You have a alternative I woke up early today, incited over all I obtain to do ahead the timer strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to achieve today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am working to have. Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be grateful that the grass is getting watered as free. Today I can fell melancholy that I don’t have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to maneuver my purchases wisely and navigate me away from waste. Today I can complaint approximately my health or I can rejoice that I am alive. Today I can deplore over all namely my parents didn’t give me while I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be connate. Today I can wail for roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses. Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a search to detect new relationships. Today I can buzz dejectedly because I must do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has catered asylum for my idea, body and psyche. Today stretches onward of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today ambition be like is up to me. I get to prefer what kind of day I will have!
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